How we work
Skin is a visual representation of what’s happening internally, to the whole person and doesn’t stand alone as a separate thing. That’s why we treat lifestyle, genetics, medical history and skincare history all as separate parts of the whole puzzle when we treat your skin. This is why we ask all new clients to begin with The Skinquisition, our advanced skin consultation and analysis.
We consider our method to be scientifically holistic. We follow a corneotherapeutic approach to skin, which means that we work first and foremost to address barrier function, a strong barrier reduces inflammation and the cascade of effects on this skin that this has. Manifesting in everything from sensitivity, redness, dry patches, oiliness to flakiness, dehydration and beyond - the every day skin issues that many of us suffer from, not bad but also not great.
By working to repair, support and strengthen your barrier function we allow your body to re-regulate your skin function. We give it the space it needs to find homeostasis and balance. We do this by working in three phases:
Rebuilding barrier function, strengthening & balancing skin.
By repairing & strengthening the "roof" on your skin, we calm inflammation, protect your lipids, reduce dehydration and allow your skin to take over the regulation of skin cells.
With a strong roof, we can start working with our "interior designers" to address any remaining skin concerns in Phase 2.
PHASE 2 | replenish
Our "interior designers" or active ingredients work to address remaining skin concerns and to slow the visible signs of aging.
Only once your skin is out of inflammation mode and your barrier is repaired, can your skin take full advantage of active ingredients, otherwise we're simply adding more stress.
If we still need an extra assist, we can then move to Phase 3.
This phase is not needed for all clients. In Phase 3, we address remaining skin conditions with the big guns.
When we have your skin at its healthiest, it can bounce back and get the most out of an advanced treatment that may cause some level of down time and require specific after care.
We only move into this phase when your skin is completely ready!
At Violet Hour Skin…
We believe in acting with intention
There is no such thing as “Peel Season”
We only use filtered water
We don’t use facial steamers
We don’t play spa music
We believe in acting with intention, this means that we don’t believe in a one-size-fits-all cookie-cutter experience for you. We don’t do anything that is unnecessary for your skin and overall skin health. If you don’t need it, we won’t recommend it.
There is no such thing as peel season - peels are medical treatment with specific indications, outcomes, contraindications and nuances. They are not universally necessary and they often hide the underlying issues with skin vs addressing them. We only peel this skin in very specific cases and with very specific intentions.
We only use filtered water in all of our treatments; from our hot towels to the water used for cleansing, masks, etc.
We don’t use facial steamers. We found it to be unnecessary when we were asked to abstain during the Covid-19 Pandemic and, in our experience, they irritate skin and airways in many clients and don’t improve the outcome of professionally conducted extractions.
We don’t play spa music we play real music, nobody needs to listen to “Whales in Space”. Come hang out, relax to some good tunes and leave feeling completely blissed out.